
I value my privacy and I appreciate others do too. This website is built to store the absolute minimum I can manage to allow people to use it.

If you are "just browsing", then no private information needs to be shared with the website at all - I don't store any cross-site tracking cookies, for example. That's why I don't need a cookie banner.

If you wish to create an account and interact, you will be able to login using OpenID via these authentication providers:

  1. GitHub
    • You will be asked to login with your GitHub ID . Your GitHub account name, profile image, and email address will be stored against your user account on this website.
  2. Google
    • You will be asked to login with your Google ID. Your Google account name, profile image, and email address will be stored against your user account on this website.

When you login via these services, they will each inform you of the data shared and you will be asked to approve that sharing.

The content you add to this website is stored on servers in the UK. It is not shared with anyone, nor is it used by the website to promote any services or contact you in any way other than to help you use the functions of the website.

Should you wish to delete your account at any time, you may do this by visiting your My Account edit page, and click the "Cancel account" button at the bottom of the page. Any content you have created will be deleted.